One Single Mom

Just the varied ramblings (and rants) of a middle-aged (?) woman, a single mom, from the Texas Panhandle.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

How Sad is This?

I just realized that every time I post a new comment, or view my comments, or refresh the view of my own blog, my hit counter goes up by 1. Here I have been thinking that people are looking at what I have to say (which is ironic, because until I got my first comments, I had never even expected ANYONE to be looking at it except me - but once I started getting comments, I started LIKING the fact that someone was reading it. Now it turns out that the 1500+ hits are probably mostly my own anal checking to make sure everything looks ok or double-checking my spelling (yes, I KNOW there is a spell-checker available to me, but I pride myself on the fact that I am a being of superior intellingence and spelling skills, as well as an impeccable typist (I'm also the type of person who can get something level by "eyeballing it"). Damn technology for giving me false hope! ...osm


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