One Single Mom

Just the varied ramblings (and rants) of a middle-aged (?) woman, a single mom, from the Texas Panhandle.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Ok, one more....

I can't decide if this is so ironic just because I am a NATURAL blonde, or because our new kitten is white?? (Incidentally, we named him using one of those "find your new name" email thingies that went around a while back - using my youngest daughter's name - and it was the ONLY name she'd actually call him besides "baby kitty") ...osm

Your Porn Star Name is:

Albino Kitty

Cheeseball Applebuns - the "Albino Kitty"? Posted by Hello


  • At 8:26 AM, Blogger OneSingleMom said…

    Hmmmm - very intriguing, indeed - the "X" factor really makes it seem larger than life, eh? :)

    Chuck, your "cute pussy" comment reminds me of a true story: About a year ago, I was out playing in a local dart tournament - mainly attended by people I already knew, since around here darts is pretty much inbred - we all play on the same two leagues and they are not large.

    Anyhoo.... A good friend of mine had been living in NH for the past few months, and had left her husband's cat with me for safe keeping until their stint 'back East' was finished. "Max" is a very large, hairy, ebony-colored feline who has quite a personality and is the apple of his father's eye.

    As I stepped up to the line, for whatever reason (I would love to think it was the crowd's anticipation of my highly honed dart skills and their attention was focused on my shot - yeah, right), another good friend (obviously outspoken) piped up with "Hey Lynn, how's your big black pussy?" I don't remember the shot at all - I do remember the whole bar erupted in hilarity and to this day, they still remember how T breached the silence. ...osm

  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger OneSingleMom said…

    Oh my - just read my last comment, Chuck. What I meant about the X factor is that OBVIOUSLY you ARE larger than life (or at least above average, right?)!! ;) ...osm

  • At 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    that kitten is so cute! here's some more blogs to read:

    *--- ---*



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