One Single Mom

Just the varied ramblings (and rants) of a middle-aged (?) woman, a single mom, from the Texas Panhandle.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

O M G - Did I Just Send that Email??

Well, here goes nothing.

I just sent an email to my boss because I haven't been paid a big commission check (and I work on 100% commission) for a placement I made back in JULY. Now let me just say this: there are a LOT of recruiters working for this company who have made WAY more placements than I, but I really think I might have been more motivated to make placements if I had ever yet received ONE CHECK ON TIME.

I was told when I started that I would have my commission checks an average of two weeks after the candidate's start date. Not so. To date, no check for a placement has made its way to me in less than 6 wks after the candidate started work. I have been getting them, admittedly, but NOT in a timely manner.

Yesterday, I found out that my ex-husband and the step-wife have packed up and moved out of their house, back up here, leaving my 18 y/o son to fend for himself 400 miles away from ANYONE who cares about him. Did they call to tell me this?? FUCK NO. I only found out because I asked my oldest daughter to call their house and ask for her brother (long story, but suffice it to say that's the easiest way to get to talk to him). The step-wife just happened to be there - finishing the packing so that they can make the last trip back up here this weekend. (I have started a whole rant about this situation - so I won't go into it further here, I'll just post about it later.)

Suffice it to say, I'm at my wit's end, and not being paid for my work in a timely manner doesn't help. What did I do about it? Well, first I fired off the aforementioned email to my boss. Now I'm sitting here in a quandry. What happens if they let me go? Well, what's the difference? I'm not being paid anyway, right? (actually that's not true - I AM being paid, just not very promptly) What will I do if I do get fired? I have no clue.

Anybody know of any virtual recruiting jobs?? I would really like to be able to stay at home and work - and get paid.

HELP?!?!?!? ...osm


  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger Jen said…

    Hope things go well! I would think it would be a legal problem for them to fire you for requesting pay for which you earned and which they agreed to pay on a schedule.

  • At 8:25 AM, Blogger OneSingleMom said…

    Well, for what it's worth, here was the reply:

    Thanks for voicing what we both know to be a problem.

    I met with M today for several hours and one of our topics was to discuss the approach with ABC Co and others on timely payment. M told me that he felt that after lots of hair-pulling with AP people up and down the line that we will be able to have it settled by next week.

    I understand that that does not help you today but it is the best that I can do or tell you today. You are very valuable to me and XYZ Co and we are trying extremely hard to get this straightened out as quick as we can.

    Good job on D and let me know when you have a start date.

    That actually made me feel good for a while. That is, until I got a phone call from another employee - one who actually works in the "home office". She and I have been sharing this sort of deep-throat relationship. She has been with the company for over 4 years, whereas I've been working from 1500 miles away a little over 7 months. All along her approach has been "Don't worry, you WILL get paid. M (the company president) is one of the MOST honorable men I know. (Well these days, honorable man is becoming more and more an oxymoron to me anyway, but I won't go there right now.)

    Last night, it was "What is going on?" My reply was "I was hoping you could tell me - have you heard anything about my payment for Candidate X?" To which she said "Girl, I don't know, I'm out here in the weeds with you!" Through the course of our discussion, I found out that my boss flat-out lied to me by telling me that our two biggest clients had gone from a 30-days net term to 45-days. Not so.

    Great. I really want to work from home! I love being here with Little Miss and making some money, too. This soooo sucks. It's what I get for trusting any company based in Clearwater, FL, right? I've come to believe that must be the shady company capital of the U.S. ...osm

  • At 5:31 PM, Blogger Mandy said…

    Man that sucks! good luck!


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