One Single Mom

Just the varied ramblings (and rants) of a middle-aged (?) woman, a single mom, from the Texas Panhandle.

Thursday, September 02, 2004

Rita's Mother's Day Post....

Rita -

Thanks for making me cry. Sorry I found your blog so long after the fact, but I am reading to catch up as quickly as I can. I just read your post about mother's day.

Funny how life hands us things and we just deal with them - but when we read about someone else's situation we think how extraordinary they are for what they've gone through.

Just in case it's of any consequence - after having raised my first two kids on my own following a divorce that started when my (then) youngest was 8 months old, at age 39 I found myself (still un-remarried) pregnant as well. It doesn't matter if you're 16, 29, or damn near 40 - it's a BIG DEAL. I underwent emergency surgery (c-section) the day my youngest daughter was born - and she spent 5 days in NICU due to blood ph levels out of whack. She had been deprived of oxygen when a nurse accidentally broke my bag of water before she was engaged in the birth canal -and the cord wrapped around her neck twice. I have watched her anxiously for the past 2 years - waiting for some sign of residual impairment from that injury. Thankfully, there are none so far - except that her right pupil dilates significantly more than the left (and that may just be a coincidence). I know how lucky I am. But I also know that YOU know how lucky you are. That's what's so great about being a mom. Sorry I got off on my own tangent here - I will continue to read. I hope you will visit my page sometime as well. ...osm


  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger OneSingleMom said…

    Hey Chuck -

    Thanks for reading and posting a comment. Absolutely you may link to my blog from yours. I actually just tonight got my fixed so that I could do the same - so if you don't mind....

    I really enjoyed reading what I had time to get through today; I hope to have the time (and not just late at night) to get some more read.

    Stay in touch! ...osm

  • At 10:23 PM, Blogger Toron said…

    Hi, I bumped into your blog after reading the comments from Rita's. And I must say, I love your blog. I'm linking it to mine. I hope you don't mind. I would love to read more from your blogspot. I'm very interested since I'm, well, the "new" woman in my husband's life. I expect great views from you that would make me understand these things more.

  • At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 12:28 PM, Blogger OneSingleMom said…

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  • At 12:30 PM, Blogger OneSingleMom said…

    AAARRRRGGGGHHHHH - eventually I'll learn how to type AND post under my own name at the same time!! :)

    Kokoy - thanks for reading/commenting. I will be posting again soon (ok, ACTUALLY I just finished a new post - I know you've ALL been breathlessly awaiting!!)

    I look forward to hearing from you again!! ...osm


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