A couple of weeks ago I attended the celebration of the Carol of Lights at the University where I am employed. I was standing in the crowd (along with my 2 daughters) listening to the choir and the brass ensemble perform and eagerly waiting for the University's President to flip the switch and illuminate the whole campus with the lights we had hung the week after Thanksgiving.
Finally, the Prez took the mic and began to speak. He opened with a brief statement about how it was easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this time in the semester - preparing for finals and all - and to forget what the real meaning was: the blessing that God has given us in the birth of Jesus and the many gifts He gives us. Now, when I say brief, I mean VERY BRIEF and definitely NOT the focus of his talk - just a short blip reflecting his own thoughts. As soon as the words passed his lips, I heard from beside me "boooooooo,... boooooooo" - not quite loud enough to be heard all the way to the front of the crowd, but enough to turn heads in the immediate area - at least mine. Without even thinking, I turned to discover a pimply-faced kid of about 23 and almost just as quickly I blurted out "It's Christmas... what do you expect?????"
He started ranting about how he expected our President to have the "presence of mind not to... blah blah blah". I again said "Dude, it's CHRISTMAS - if you don't want to hear about CHRIST, don't be here."
AAARRRRGGGGGHHHH - What is the deal here, people?? We don't put up Hanukkah lights or trees (not that I'm against Hanukkah - which I'm sure I haven't spelled correctly). But CHRISTMAS is what started this whole celebration season - yes, even the commercial one - and without it would we HAVE this season??? I don't think so. So why is it so wrong to acknowledge the REASON FOR THE SEASON????
I don't care if you don't believe - scratch that - I CARE, but I won't force my beliefs on you. But if you are going to celebrate Christmas - or come to a Christmas celebration - then PLEASE don't be offended when you hear Christ's name!!